
Washed Coffee

In the washed process, beans are completely de-pulped, removing all of the cherry fruit. Then they are soaked and allowed to ferment for 12 to 72 hours before being washed clean of any remaining fruit and dried. It is probably the most common method for preparing green coffee beans. Washed process coffees usually have a bright, clean taste.

Natural or Dry Process Coffee

This is the most traditional process method. In the natural or dry process, whole coffee cherries are left to dry in the sun, leaving the fruit on the bean, allowing it to “raisin-ify” around the bean. Natural fermentation occurs resulting in the creation of complex flavors and sugars. This is a longer process than other methods. Naturally processed coffees often have complex fruity notes in the final cup like berries or citrus.

Honey Process Coffee?

Pulped natural or honey process is a method in which the fresh coffee cherries are de-pulped, but allowed to dry without washing. Some of the fruit is still there, but not nearly as much as in the natural process. Most of the cherry is gone, but the remaining golden, sticky mucilage is reminiscent of honey, which is where the process gets it name. One benefit to producers is that honey processing uses less water. Allowing the fruit to dry on the bean means that it can be physically removed during milling rather than being washed off as is typical of washed coffees.